• S.V. Malohatko Southern Federal University
  • E. Y. Gusev Southern Federal University
  • O. A. Ageev Southern Federal University
Keywords: Multi-frequency atomic force microscopy, swept beam shape, polycrystalline silicon, resonant frequency, stiffness coefficient


Currently, in electronics, scientists are trying to move from micro to nano. With the devel-opment of such a direction as nanoelectronics, an improvement of methods for studying the sur-faces of materials is required. Multifrequency atomic force microscopy includes several methods of force microscopy, which can reduce the time of data collection, improve spatial resolution and quantitative mapping of surface properties. To obtain the required resonant frequencies of the cantilever, a mass distribution method is used. In this regard, specialized cantilevers are used, which are obtained by modifying the standard forms of beams (with etched groove; with drowning under the shape of an arrow). For the manufacture of specialized cantilevers use commercial can-tilevers of monocrystalline silicon. In addition to the usual silicon, silicon nitride and polycrystal-line silicon are also used as materials. The use of polycrystalline silicon increases the strength of the cantilever. The purpose of this work is to develop a design of a swept cantilever made of poly-crystalline silicon for multifrequency atomic force microscopy. The work implemented a paramet-ric model of the cantilever on the basis of polycrystalline silicon specialized for multifrequency atomic force microscopy to investigate the frequency characteristics and the deviation of the canti-lever. The results of numerical simulation of the first three resonant frequencies by the finite ele-ment method are presented. The simulation is performed under the condition that the geometrical parameters of the beam lying in the range: length 150–200 mm, thickness from 2–6 μm, width of 20 to 50 μm; the dimensions of the tip and its position has not changed: the height of the tip 15 μm, and a base radius of 2 microns and the corner radius of 35 nm. On the basis of the developed model, the ranges of the most optimal values for the first three resonant frequencies of the cantile-ver, f1-50-250 kHz, f2 – 400-1500 kHz, f3 – 700 – 1900 kHz were determined. Analytical depend-ences of stiffness coefficient on geometrical parameters (length, thickness, width) from 3.0 to 1.25 N/m are also obtained; 1.4 to 3.4 N/m and 2 to 50 N/m; respectively. The data obtained made it possible to determine the design of a swept cantilever with geometric parameters that provide an optimal ratio of stiffness and resonance frequency that meet the requirements of multifrequency atomic force microscopy (length 170 μm, width 30 μm and thickness 2 μm).


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