• I. E. Lysenko Southern Federal University
  • D. V. Naumenko Southern Federal University
Keywords: MEMS, microgyroscope, finite element analysis, modal analysis, harmonic analysis, resonance curve


Micromechanical vibration gyroscopes are one of the devices of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and are designed to measure angular velocity. In this work, we study a model of a single-mass micromechanical linear gyro, manufactured by bulk silicon technology with an instrument layer thickness of 50 μm. The aim of the work is to study the measuring property of the device with a specific frequency setting. The studies of its dynamic characteristics, frequency re-sponse under the influence of harmonic loads equivalent to those that will affect the actual opera-tion of the micro-gyroscope on the manufactured sensing element are described. The frequency response (amplitude-frequency characteristic) of the MEMS gyroscope significantly depends on the design and topology of the sensitive element. When choosing a design, the qualitative charac-teristics and the algorithm of its functioning are laid down; when developing a topology, quantita-tive characteristics are obtained that significantly affect the measuring properties of the device. Obtaining the amplitude-frequency characteristics at the design stage will allow us to estimate the limiting accuracy characteristics, determine its sensitivity, and optimize the design of the gyro-scope to improve its final characteristics. The article describes the sequence of calculations made to obtain the frequency response and determine the sensitivity to angular velocity by the finite element method in the ANSYS Workbench software package. As a result of the research, the MEMS gyro natural frequencies were determined along two axes, the bandwidth was determined graphically by the frequency response, and the dependence of capacitance on angular velocity was determined. According to the obtained results of the analysis, the measuring property of the device and recommendations for its further frequency tuning and optimization were evaluated.


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