• N. K. Poluyanovich Southern Federal University
  • M.N. Dubyago Southern Federal University
Keywords: Insulation materials, forecasting, non-destructive testing method, energy of partial discharges, thermal fluctuation processes, power cables, heat losses, wear


The article deals with the monitoring of the state of insulation of power cable lines (PCL). It is shown that the presence of impurities or oxidation products resulting from heating in the insula-tion material (IM) leads to leakage currents. A mathematical model is obtained to calculate the power of the CR, as well as to determine the location of the inclusion of m1 in the main radiation, due to the power of the active component of the leakage current, when it occurs in the main cable insulation. The calculation of the change in the heat flux passing through the insulation layers of the cable is carried out depending on the radial distances by the method of piecewise given func-tions, taking into account the thermal conjugation of the inclusion. The proposed mathematical model allows to determine the presence of inclusions along with the layer-by-layer calculation of isotherms in the cross section of the cable. The technique proposed in the developed model allows to account for heat losses based on the thermal and geometric dimensions of the inclusion, which was not taken into account in the above models. A method for determining the service life of the insulation material taking into account the total electric field strength in the insulation material for different inclusion sizes, as well as geometric and electrical parameters of inclusions; activa-tion energy of the structural breakdown of the material. The aging model of the insulation material will allow to use it to determine the residual life and predict the wear of the insulation material. The reliability of IM, namely the service life of the insulating material of CL from the tension and temperature, in comparison with the basic formula is investigated. Experimental studies of insula-tion reliability have been carried out, namely, an algorithm has been developed and simulation of the service life of PCL insulation from tension and temperature has been performed. The questions of technical service of power cable lines with the use of modern non-destructive diagnostic meth-ods are considered.


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