The paper proposes a method for recognition of objects from laser scanning data. This data can be obtained by scanning objects with a special LIDAR device (LIght Detection And Ranging) in the form of a cloud of points, which is an unordered set of points with coordinates of three-dimensional space. Solving many computer vision and recognition problems using laser scan data is often more efficient than using two-dimensional data for several reasons. Firstly, the third coor-dinate increases the informativeness and promotes a more detailed description of the object. Sec-ondly, the quality of the point cloud does not depend on the weather conditions under which the laser scan was performed. In the third place, a point cloud allows you to keep the scale of objects. Modern LIDAR devices provide data high detail with a lot of points. However, the use of all points for object recognition can lead to large computational costs. In addition, the data may contain noise and outliers, leading to errors in recognition. To improve the quality of recognition, data is pre-compressed using an attribute description in the form of descriptors invariant to some trans-formations. Thus, on the one hand, the dependence on noise and emissions is reduced, on the other hand, computational costs are reduced. At present, for solving problems of object recognition,approaches are increasingly being used that are related to the representation of the structures of the objects being analyzed in the form of graphs. The proposed approach is based on the use of object structures, which are described by parts of a point cloud. Recognition is performed by com-paring the complex spectral decompositions graphs characterizing structure of objects. Methods are proposed for determining the weight coefficients of a structure graph based on the spatial characteristics of the sets of points. It also proposes a method of preliminary selection of objects that differ significantly in structure using eigenvalues in the spectral decompositions of graphs. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated by the results of experiments.
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