• N.K. Poluyanovich Southern Federal University
  • M. N. Dubyago Southern Federal University
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, neural networks, thermal fluctuation processes, insulation materials, forecasting, reliability of power supply systems


The article is devoted to the research of thermal fluctuation processes in accordance with the theory of thermal conductivity to solve the problems of diagnosis and prediction of the residual life of insulating materials on the basis of non-destructive temperature method. The urgency of the problem of creating neural networks for assessing the capacity, calculation and prediction of the temperature of PCL cores in real time based on the data of the temperature monitoring system, taking into account changes in the current load of the line and the external conditions of the heat sink. The problems of creation of diagnostics and forecasting of thermofluctuation processes of insulating materials of power cable lines (PCL) of electric power systems on the basis of such methods of artificial intelligence as neural networks and fuzzy logic are considered. A neural net-work was developed to determine the temperature regime of the current-carrying core of the pow-er cable. A comparative analysis of the experimental and calculated characteristics of the temper-ature distributions was carried out, and various load modes and functions of the cable current change were investigated. When analyzing the data, it was determined that the maximum deviation of the data obtained from the neural network from the training sample data was less than 10%, which is an acceptable result. To improve the accuracy, a large amount of input and output data was used in the training of the network, as well as some refinement of its structure. The developed digital hardware device measures the temperature of the surface and the environment of the power cable, and then in real time allows you to calculate its internal temperatures and solve the prob-lem of early detection of damage developing in it. The main field of application of the developed neural network for determining the temperature regime of the current-carrying conductor is the diagnosis and prediction of the electrical insulation resource (EIR) of the power cable. The model allows you to evaluate the current state of isolation and predict the residual life of the PCL. The development of an intelligent system for predicting the temperature of the PCL core contributes to the planning of the power grid operation modes in order to improve the reliability and energy efficiency of their interaction with the combined power system.


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