• V.A. Vorobiev Engineering institute of NCFU
  • U.A. Maryina Engineering institute of NCFU
  • R.V. Pigulev Engineering institute of NCFU
  • A.P. Maryin Engineering institute of NCFU
Keywords: Luminescence, infrared luminophores, rare earth elements, stannates, Ca2SnO4, CaSnO3, ZnO


Development of new and improvement of known luminescent materials for modern devices and devices of optoelectronics and Photonics is an important task. With the development of laser technology increases the need for sources of infrared radiation, which are used in medicine, geolocation, communication systems. Most of the known infrared phosphors based on orthophos-phates, oxysulfides, fluorides emit in the range of 900-1600 nm. Therefore, it is important to search for new fluorescent structures emitting in the range with a wavelength of more than 1600 nm. Perovskite-like alkaline earth metal stannates CaSnO3 and Ca2SnO4 are promising materials for the synthesis of new infrared phosphors on their basis. This work is devoted to the study of infrared luminescence of compounds with the General formula (Ca1-x-y-zYbxEryHoz)2SnO4 emitting in the region of 1960-2100 nm, as well as to the study of the influence of zinc impurities on their lumi-nescent properties. The ultimate goal of the research is the comparison of the intensity of the lumi-nescence of structures on the basis of stannat Ca2SnO4 before the phosphors on the basis of CaSnO3, using the same activator composition and methods of synthesis. The paper presents the results of x-ray phase and spectral analysis of samples. The conclusions about the efficiency of the use of luminophores (Ca1-x-y-zYbxEryHoz)2SnO4 for the generation of fluorescent radiation with a wavelength of 2000 nm. It was found that at a zinc concentration of 0.5 atomic fractions, the lumi-nescence intensity of the sample (Ca0,923Yb0,05Er0,02Ho0,007)2(Sn1-хZnх)O4 in the 1960-2100 nm band reaches a maximum.


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