• Т. А. Pyavchenko Southern Federal University
  • А. О. Pyavchenko Southern Federal University
Keywords: Nonlinear equation, hydraulic object, complex perturbation, amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics, Smith predictor, model-oriented design, verification, software environment MATLAB / SIMULINK, ARM-microprocessor with cortex-M4 core, PIL mode


The purpose of the work is to clarify the model of the hydraulic object and to develop a sys-tem for controlling the level of liquid in it under conditions of non-stationary perturbations. First of all, such perturbations include ship pitching, taking into account its working mechanisms vibra-tions. In literature, the model of the hydraulic object control on the basis of fluid level calculation, as a rule, is presented in the form of the product of the inertial element and the element of the transport delay. However, this model does not accurately reflect the behavior of the real hydraulicobject. As a result of a more in-depth study of the behavior of such an object in the process of its identification, it was proposed to replace the element of transport delay with a set of inertial ele-ments, which significantly changed its transfer function. The calculation of the parameters of the transfer function of the object was performed by solving the corresponding system of nonlinear equations in the Editor/MATLAB package. The studies of the developed model of the object showed its efficiency in the presence of non-stationary perturbations, and, as a result, allowed to simplify its control system while maintaining the required level of quality. Experimentally, using the MATLAB/SIMULINK package, it was proved that the necessary characteristics have a control device built on the basis of a PI-controller with a Smith predictor installed in the feedback. Verifi-cation of the results, which presented in the article, was carried out in the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment using the PIL approach and the test Board of the developer of digital control systems with a pre-installed 32-bit microcontroller with Cortex M4 core. At the same time, it is indicated, that in the process of the experiment, the designed digital control system functioned with the re-quired quality. That PIL implementation provided the necessary level of system integration and interaction with the analog model of the hydraulic object. Moreover, this nature of the system operation was maintained both at the time of its activation and in the steady-state mode of its op-eration, providing finding the values of the controlled variables at a given level within the speci-fied confidence interval of the error (no more than ±2 % of the liquid required level in the hydrau-lic object when modeling sea waves up to 6 points inclusive)


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