• Сергей Клевцов ИРТСУ ЮФУ
Keywords: model, parameter, forecast, situation, assessment, monitoring, system


A vector model of the current and predictive assessment of the state of a set of parameters of a technical object is developed. The evaluation method is based on the developed model and is intended for use in microprocessor modules used in monitoring and control systems. The paper considers the construction of a vector model for the implementation of a simplified preliminary assessment. For the functioning of the model it is necessary to use expert knowledge about the signs of various emergency situations. Operational and experimental data identifying such situations are also involved. The developed method of calculation is quite simple and can be performed in the microprocessor module in the background. The technique allows to implement predictive assessment in real time, which is important for the effective operation of the module as part of a distributed moni-toring system. It also supports the generation of commands on the elimination and prevention of emergency situations. To implement the predictive assessment of the state of the object, an approach to determining the parameter of the tech-nical object using a simplified version of the smoothing predictive cubic spline is considered. The calculations use a uniform time grid. The synthesis of the algo-rithm for determining the coefficients of the cubic spline is performed. A compar-ison of the effectiveness of different forecasting models option from the stand-point of possibility of their implementation in microprocessor-based module. The prediction accuracy was compared using the proposed model of smoothing spline and models of smoothing time series of zero, first and second order. The predic-tion results show that the absolute error of prediction of the parameter of the studied models is comparable in magnitude. The spline error does not have such sharp bursts that are present when using time series models. However, the com-putational complexity of the prediction algorithm when using a smoothing spline is much higher than in the case of time series. The developed model and method-ology can be used for operational monitoring and control of the object in real time.


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