Fabrication of vacuum field-emission cathodes using local ion-induced deposition method with focused ion beam
This paper presents the results of a study of the influence of parameters of a focused ion beam on technological modes of local ion beam milling and ion-induced deposition of materials from the gas phase to form elements of a vacuum field-emission nanoelectronics. A design of a field-emission cell was developed, consisting of a cathode-anode system, the shape of which provides, on the one hand, high reliability and efficiency, and on the other hand, it allows the use of ion-beam milling and ion-induced deposition technologies to form sealed cells in a vacuum technological cycle. The use of elements of vacuum electronics is promising from the point of view of achieving high radiation resistance and high operation frequencies. The creation of nanoscale cathode and anode structures, as well as the provision of ultra-short interelectrode distance allows to achieve a significant reduction in the power consumption of devices and to increase the density of the layout of elements. Using the methods of ion-induced carbon and tungsten deposition and local milling with a focused gallium ion beam, a mock-up vacuum emission cell based on a silicon/gold/silicon oxide structure was made. It is shown that using the method of ion-beam milling and ion-induced deposition of a gallium-focused ion beam makes it possible to form elements of a vacuum field-emission nanoelectronics with high accuracy and resolution and to avoid the drawbacks of traditional microelectronic processes, such as the need for masks, resists and liquid chemistry. The obtained results make it possible to create a basis for the development of radiation-resistant high-speed elements of ultra-large integrated circuits with reduced power consumption and can be used in the development of promising technological processes for the formation of the element base of nanoelectronics and nanomechanics using local beam nanostructuring methods.
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