Cite as: A.V. Yudin, Yu.I. Yurasov, O.A. Belyak, P.S. Plyaka, M.I. Tolstunov. Technological and dielectric properties of resins for DLP 3D printing with additives of AL2O3 and CTS-19 powders // Izvestiya SFedU. Engineering Sciences – 2024. – N. 6. - P. 280-291. doi: 10.18522/2311-3103-2024-6-280-291

  • А. V. Yudin Southern Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Y.I. Yurasov Southern Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences
  • P.S. Plyaka Southern Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences
  • М.I. Tolstunov Southern Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences
  • О.А. Belyak Rostov State Transport University; Southern Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: Aluminum oxide Al2O3, CTS-19, 3D printing, additive technologies, composite materials, dielectric spectroscopy


Expanding the range of materials available for processing by additive methods is of great interest to
industry. Technologies such as 3D polymer printing significantly expand the boundaries of design capabilities,
allowing a transition to next-generation devices. In view of the gradual implementation of such approaches
in practice, a new impetus for development has been given to the direction of metamaterials -
volumetric structures whose geometry allows for more complete use of the properties of the base material.
In particular, ceramics, common in modern electronics, can be introduced into a polymer molded by an
additive method as a functional additive. Subsequent heat treatment of such compositions allows obtaining a macrostructured ceramic-polymer or purely ceramic framework with unique piezo- or dielectric properties.
However, additive particles can significantly change the technological properties of the base material,
which must be taken into account. At the same time, isolating the empirical features characterizing this
dynamics is a non-trivial task. Thus, in publications on UV-curable composites, the viscosity criterion of
the composition is recognized as the leading feature. At the same time, optical permittivity, which determines
the required equipment power, is not considered properly. In this regard, the presented work studies
the viscosity, dielectric, optical and temperature properties of composites based on UV-curable resin for
DLP 3D printing, containing additives of 5 vol. % Al2O3 and CTS-19 powders. A method for qualitative
express analysis of the technological suitability of the composition based on the Scotch test is presented. It
is shown that the viscosity of the composition is less significant in comparison with its optical permittivity
in the UV range. The considered compositions have temperature stability up to 300 ⁰С. The introduction of
powder additives makes it possible to increase the dielectric permittivity ε'/ε0 by 2.5 times and reduce
dielectric losses in the material when heated above 110 ⁰C. It is shown that composites containing aluminum
oxide have potential for use in electronics


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