• A. Maksimov ЮФУ
Keywords: radio communication, phase automatic system, frequency divider


The work is devoted to modern digital radio communication systems. In particular, the formation of radio signals for digital radio communications is considered. The shaper of radio signals is based on a phase automatic system with a programmable digital frequency divider. The method of forming radio signals is indirect. In the considered phase automatic system, a pulse-phase detector having a piecewise linear characteristic with a frequency equal to 2π is used as a sensitive element. As part of the phase system, low-frequency ladder-type filters are used, providing the necessary suppression of the control voltage pulsations of the pulse-phase detector with frequent clocking of processes in the phase circuit. The use of such filters allows to obtain a wider bandwidth of the phase circuit, which will allow to weaken the own fluctuations of the frequency (phase) of the controlled oscillator and significantly weaken the discrete spectral components grouped in the vicinity of the carrier frequency of the generated signal.

The analysis of processes in a nonlinear phase automatic system with large initial detuning in frequency is carried out. It is shown that in a phase contour with a limited control resource under the conditions mentioned, cyclic motion may occur, which corresponds to the self-oscillation mode.

As a limiting condition for the implementation of the synthesis control of the phase automatic system, a digital distinction has been proposed for the sign of the frequency error. When using such a sign discriminator, the decision on the sign of the frequency error is made at the moments of time when the operating point on the characteristic of the pulse-phase detector overcomes the discontinuity point of its characteristics. and the control signal provides a change in the sign of the frequency error. Repeated tripping of the sign discriminator ensures that the phase loop is turned on and the required control mode is established. An experimental study of the phase automatic system, controlled by it in accordance with the synthesized control law, has been carried out. The experiment showed the efficiency of the proposed phase automatic system.


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