Cite as: A.A. Khachatryan, E.S. Briskin. Features of control of linear drives of a robot when its movement on a vertical surface // Izvestiya SFedU. Engineering Sciences – 2024. – N. 6. - P. 201-209. doi: 10.18522/2311-3103-2024-6-201-209

  • А. А. Khachatryan Volgograd State Technical University
  • Е.S. Briskin Volgograd State Technical University
Keywords: Mobile robotics, displacement, mathematical model, simulation modeling, the task of dynamics, movement on a vertical surface


The operation of robots on vertical and close to them surfaces has broad prospects due to the need
to perform a sufficiently large number of technological operations on them on the one hand and the complexity
of using manual labor on the other hand. The movement of a mobile robot along a vertical surface
is considered. The movement of the robot and its retention on the surface is carried out through the operation
of two linear actuators that exert pressure on it and rely on platforms capable of moving along a horizontal
surface. The robot and the platform have piano‒type wheels operating in one of two modes – free and brake. At the same time, the braking devices ensure reliable adhesion of the wheels to the corresponding
surfaces. A design scheme and a mathematical model of a robotic system using the force of linear actuators
to move the robot along a vertical flat surface are proposed. The problem of the dynamics of the movement
of a mobile robot has been solved, the movement of which along the working surface is carried out by
controlling the magnitude and direction of the efforts developed by the actuators and the choice of inhibited
supports that ensure a stable mode of movement. The process of movement is considered, consisting of three
stages, at each of which one of the robot's supports is braked, while all the supports of the platforms on the
horizontal surface are also braked. During the transition between the stages of movement, the mobile robot
makes a stop before changing the braked wheel, after which movement resumes. The friction forces between
the disinhibited robot supports and the work surface are neglected. The equations and trajectories of the
motion of the center of mass of the mobile robot are obtained. The dependences of the lengths of the linear
drives of the clamping mechanism on the coordinates of the center of mass of the robot are presented. Simulation
modeling was carried out, as a result of which the ranges of changes in the lengths of linear actuators
and the forces developed to ensure the required displacement were determined.


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