Cite as: P.G. Ermakov. Problem of multi-criteria optimization of selection of an unprepared helidrom // Izvestiya SFedU. Engineering Sciences – 2024. – N. 6. - P. 191-201. doi: 10.18522/2311-3103-2024-6-191-201
The problem of multi-criteria optimization of the choice of an unprepared helidrom to plant the
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) helicopter type on it is considered in this article. The problem of multi -
criteria optimization of the choice of an unprepared helidrom is formalized based on satisfying requirements
of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to an unprepared helidrom by mi nimizing
the original loss function taking into account the following data: the probability of availability
of an unprepared helidrom, the probability of failure of the UAV’s helicopter type onboard system, the
error of a digital elevation map (DEM) positional information, the error of the UAV’s helicopter type
coordinates information and the technical characteristics of the UAV helicopter type. It is proposed to
determine the suitability of an unequipped helidrom based on the maximum height of terrain elements
of it’s surface using statistical processing of a lidar earth scanning data. The mathematical formulations
of the problem of decision-making on UAV helicopter type landing are proposed based on requirements
for an unprepared helidrom in terms of maximum height of terrain elements and soil hardness.
The comparison of the computational time of algorithms of the choice of an unprepared helidrom
is completed using Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. The result of a simulation modelling of the proposed opt imal
algorithm of the choice of an unprepared helidrom for the estimation of its ef ficiency under conditions
of variability of parameters of the probabilistic loss function using OpenStreetMap and SRTM is
presented. The result of solving the problem of decision-making on UAV helicopter type landing based
on a lidar earth scanning data is presented.
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