Cite as: B.K. Lebedev, O.B. Lebedev, M.I. Beskhmelnov. Decentralized control of a group of autonomous mobile objects when forming a trajectory of movement // Izvestiya SFedU. Engineering Sciences – 2024. – N. 6. - P. 177-190. doi: 10.18522/2311-3103-2024-6-177-190

  • B. К. Lebedev Southern Federal University
  • О. B. Lebedev MIREA – Russian University of Technology
  • М.I. Beskhmelnov MIREA – Russian University of Technology
Keywords: Group of unmanned aerial vehicles, formation movement, group control, decentralized control, trajectory, alternative collective adaptation, adaptation object, swarm algorithms


The article considers algorithms for generating unmanned aerial vehicles motion trajectories during
search and rescue and liquidation operations. The methods and algorithms for controlling the motion of a
unmanned aerial vehicles group in formation, when deployed in a line, when deployed in a rank, when
turning, in a column are described. Control is carried out using alternative collective adaptation algorithms
based on the ideas of collective behavior. The operating principles of one adaptation machine are
considered. The purpose of controlling slave robots is to minimize deviations. To implement the adaptation
mechanism, the parameters of the vector are matched with adaptation machines that model the behavior
of adaptation objects in the environment. A structure has been developed for the process of alternative
collective adaptation of parameters that control the motion of a group of unmanned aerial vehicles in
formation. Original rules for controlling parameters have been developed that have a number of advantages
over other methods: complete decentralization of control in combination with dynamic correction
of robot parameters that set the position and orientation of the robot in an absolute coordinate system,
and the linear velocity of the robot, respectively. A structure of a maneuver performed by a robot to correct
parameter deviations is proposed. Control is performed using an alternative collective adaptation algorithm
based on the ideas of collective behavior of adaptation objects, which allows for efficient processing
of emergency situations, such as agent failure, changes in the number of agents due to failure or sudden
acquisition of communication with the next agent, as well as in conditions of measurement errors and
noise that satisfy certain restrictions.


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