Cite as: A M.A. Georgieva, I.M. Pershin. Mathematical modeling of the influence of atmospheric precipitation on hydrolithospheric processes // Izvestiya SFedU. Engineering Sciences – 2024. – N. 6. - P. 121-131. doi: 10.18522/2311-3103-2024-6-121-131
This article is devoted to the study of the influence of atmospheric precipitation on
hydrolithospheric processes using mathematical modeling. Hydrolithospheric processes involve interactions
between water, the atmosphere, and the Earth's crust, playing an important role in shaping the landscape,
water cycle, and Earth's climate. Using historical data on precipitation and hydrolithospheric processes,
the authors calibrate and validate their model. Results show that the model can accurately predict
changes in water flow, soil erosion, and water quality in response to changes in the precipitation regime.
This paper presents the development and application of mathematical models to study the effects of precipitation
on runoff generation, soil erosion, water table changes, and geomorphologic processes occurring
in the hydrolithosphere. The paper analyzes different types of models, including: – surface runoff
models, which describe the formation and movement of runoff over the land surface; – soil erosion models,
which predict the intensity of erosion processes caused by precipitation; – groundwater models, which
study the effect of precipitation on the water table and its movement in groundwater aquifers; – models of
geomorphologic processes, which study the influence of precipitation on the formation of relief, formation
of ravines, slopes and other geomorphologic elements. Problems of model validation and calibration, as
well as uncertainties associated with precipitation variability, were considered and studied. The results of
the study provide a better understanding of the interaction of precipitation with the hydrolithosphere and
present opportunities for using mathematical modeling to predict hydrolithospheric processes and develop
water management strategies. The article has important implications for understanding and managing
hydrolithospheric processes in a changing climate. The mathematical model developed in the article can
be used to assess the potential impacts of changing precipitation amounts and patterns, and to develop
adaptation strategies to mitigate these impacts.
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