Cite as: V.V. Kureichik, Y.V. Balyasova, V.V. Bova. Overview and analysis of three-dimensional packaging for marine cargo transportation // Izvestiya SFedU. Engineering Sciences – 2024. – N. 6. - P. 15-29. doi: 10.18522/2311-3103-2024-6-15-29
This article describes the problem of three-dimensional packaging of goods in various types of containers
during maritime cargo transportation. Maritime cargo transportation plays a significant role in
international trade, is carried out in specific and non-standard conditions, is characterized by increased
humidity, contact with sea salt, vibration, temperature interference and is carried out by container ships
transporting various categories of goods in containers selected taking into account the specifics of the
cargo being transported, which ensures reliability and safety. Of particular importance is the presence of
protection of goods from a variety of negative and man-made environmental factors, which confirms the
importance of properly designed marine cargo packaging, ensuring the preservation of goods, equipment,
raw materials, or materials throughout the entire time of transportation by sea, as well as reliable fastening
on deck or inside cargo compartments, excluding the possibility of damage to cargo, through exposure
vibration and static loads. The article describes the task of three-dimensional packaging in containers
for marine cargo transportation. Criteria and constraints are considered, and a modified combined
multi-criteria objective function is constructed. Its value should tend to 1, which corresponds to 100%
filling of voids. Also, the paper provides a brief overview and analysis of methods and algorithms for finding
solutions to the problem of three-dimensional packaging, their features, advantages and disadvantages
are revealed. Taking into account the analysis, it is noted that metaheuristic methods and search algorithms
are effective for solving the NP-complex problem of three-dimensional packaging, as they allow
obtaining sets of quasi-optimal solutions in polynomial time.
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