Cite as: S. Singh, A.V. Pribylskiy. Algorithm for classification of fire hazardous situations based on Kolmogorov-Arnold network. // Izvestiya SFedU. Engineering Sciences – 2024. – N. 6. - P. 6-15. doi: 10.18522/2311-3103-2024-6-6-15

  • Singh Sanni Southern Federal University
  • А.V. Pribylskiy Southern Federal University
Keywords: Fire sensor, Python, neural network, classification, modeling, data markup, Kolmogorov-Arnold Network, parsing


The problem of timely and accurate detection of fire hazardous situations is critical to ensure the
safety of people and property. Traditional monitoring methods based on simple threshold values for smoke
and temperature sensors are often insufficiently effective, as they can lead to false alarms or miss real fire
hazardous situations. Modern methods using neural networks can significantly improve the accuracy of
classifying an emergency situation by analyzing complex patterns in sensor data, which are complex nonlinear
functions with dynamically changing parameters. The development of such models requires attention
to the collection, labeling and processing of data, to the choice of neural network architecture for a
specific task, because high-quality data labeling and the choice of the desired neural network architecture
directly affect the selection of the desired patterns, as well as the detection of hidden patterns that are
impossible or difficult to determine by traditional methods. The article examines an algorithm for classifying fire hazardous situations based on the Kolmogorov-Arnold network (KAN). This algorithm is used to
process data from a complex of interconnected fire sensors and is designed to detect and classify various
types of fire hazardous situations. The key element of the development is the use of the Kolmogorov-
Arnold network, which, due to its architecture, is capable of modeling complex functional dependencies
between input data. Readings from a complex of interconnected fire sensors, such as temperature and
smoke sensors, are used as input data. To improve the accuracy of classification, data is labeled using
expert knowledge. The Python programming language was used to implement the algorithm, together with
the Pytorch, pykan, and scikit-learn libraries. The article presents the results of testing the model on real
data and discusses possible directions for further improvement of the algorithm. During the experiments,
it was shown that the proposed model demonstrates high accuracy in classifying fire hazardous situations,
which is not inferior to traditional methods of data classification.


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