The paper proposes some methods of providing coherent data processing in radar and communication
systems that include phased arrays. An approach is developed to collect digitized data from the antenna
elements of phased array and transfer information between distributed nodes that perform digital
signal processing. To ensure coherent data processing and transmission, it is proposed to use a reference
clock frequency signal and a common machine time, which are generated in the central node and distributed
through the channels with the same delay. All control actions in the processing nodes are based on
these signals. For the transmission of digitized data from the antenna elements of the phased array in the
work it is proposed to use the transmission by fragments of operands with information integrity control
and time reference of the digitized data. The experiments conducted on a real directional pattern formation
device confirmed the effectiveness of this method and its suitability for practical use. The development
of digital signal processing systems with phased array is constantly moving forward, and new radar
systems with high resolution and sufficient sensitivity are required. Usually, to increase the resolution, the
number of antenna elements is increased. However, this leads to an increase in the size of the antenna and
hence the length of the links. As the length of the link increases, differences in signal propagation paths
may occur due to the variation in the characteristics of optical links and the influence of external factors
on the signal as it is transmitted through longer links. This can lead to inhomogeneity in delays between
synchronization channels and disruption of the coherent processing system. In this regard, a new method
of dynamic compensation of delays in the channels of the common machine time system for correct operation
with long communication lines is proposed in this paper.
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