• Наталия Черненко Южный федеральный университет
  • Сергей Балакирев Южный федеральный университет
  • Михаил Еременко Южный федеральный университет
  • Максим Солодовник Южный федеральный университет
Keywords: Molecular-beam epitaxy, gallium arsenide, intrinsic oxide, phase formation, thermodynamics, gallium oxide, arsenic oxide


Our paper presents the results of the study of phase formation processes in the Ga-As-ZnO system, taking into account the peculiarities of GaAs molecular beam epitaxy, with the aim of studying the possibility of using thin ZnO films to initiate self-catalytic growth of GaAs nanowires. The results of calculations of double and triple phase diagrams possible in the system under consideration in specified temperature and pressure ranges are presented. The analysis of possible intermediate and final products of the reactions of interaction between components in the system under consideration. The equations of the main and intermediate chemical reactions occurring in the system are determined and compiled. The temperature dependences of changes in the Gibbs free energy ΔG(T) are calculated for the main and intermediate reactions between the main components of the system under consideration: crystalline GaAs (substrate), atomic (molecular) Ga and As fluxes from the vapor phase, and amorphous (polycrystalline) ZnO films on the substrate surface. It is shown that ZnO films behave like GaAs native oxide, however, they have a higher temperature stability. It was also shown that, under the conditions of epitaxy, GaAs can react not only with crystalline GaAs substrates, but also with growth components, including to form volatile compounds. Dominance modes of this type reactions are established.


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