The paper presents the results of theoretical studies of the self-organization processes of nanoscale metal droplets obtained by the droplet epitaxy method in an In/GaAs (001) system on substrates with predetermined structural inhomogeneities using Monte Carlo simulation. At the same time, the shape and geometrical characteristics of the specified grooves, as well as the distance between them (density), were varied. The processes of nucleation and growth of droplet nanostructures on structured GaAs surfaces were considered taking into account the main control parameters of the droplet epitaxy technique. The calculation results showed that on substrates with complex morphology the probability of island nucleation is distributed non-uniformly and depends on the surface area. The study showed that in order to improve the accuracy of positioning of nanostructures and their homogeneity, triangular-shaped grooves with large aspect ratios of geometric dimensions are most preferred. The use of modified surfaces allows to govern the size and density of self-organizing nanostructures, providing the possibility of obtaining laterally related quantum-size structures.
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