• D. V. Zaruba Southern Federal University
  • E. V. Kuliev Southern Federal University
  • D.Y. Zaporozhets Southern Federal University
  • M. M. Semenova Southern Federal University
Keywords: Three-dimensional modeling, three-dimensional integration, placement, LSI, VLSI, genetic algorithm, evolution, bioinspired algorithm


The article is devoted to the solution of new topical problems that have arisen in the conditions
of the modern development of information and nanometer technologies in the field of design,
as well as the development of new innovative methods that provide effective solutions in polynomial
time. The article deals with the problem of solving NP-hard problems. The description of the
procedure for measuring the complexity of the problem is presented the features of NP-hard and
NP-difficult combinatorial logic problems are described. The main differences between the tasks
are presented, as well as the problems that one has to face when solving this type of task. The general
decision-making scheme is presented, consisting of the problem formulation; decisionmaking;
signal in automatic systems and feedback. At the second stage (formation and selection of
solutions), the solution is based on a bioinspired algorithm for finding solutions to the traveling
salesman problem. To solve this problem, a modified bioinspired algorithm based on the behaviorof an ant colony was developed. Unlike other optimization methods, metaheuristic algorithms can
find global optimal solutions for problems where there are many local solutions due to their random
nature. These reasons have led to the widespread use of such algorithms in solving various
optimization problems. Bioinspired algorithms are becoming a new revolution in the field of solving
optimization problems. The statement of the traveling salesman problem is presented, as well
as the solution of the problem on the basis of the ant algorithm. Algorithms such as genetic algorithms
and PSO can be very useful, but they still have some disadvantages in solving multimodal
optimization problems. These algorithms can find optimal solutions regardless of the physical
nature of the problem. In the framework of experimental studies, the analysis of the work of
bioinspired algorithms was carried out: the algorithm of a flock of bats, the bacterial algorithm
and the ant algorithm.


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