• L.A. Martynova Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC
Keywords: AUV, control system, energy consumption system, multi-agent system, conflict, method, algorithm, imitation model


The purpose of the study is to increase the efficiency of the unattended underwater vehicle (AUV)functioning by resolving the conflict in its multi-agent control system, which is related to power consumption by the AUV subsystems. In the transition from exclusive use of the battery to additional use of the battery, arose the need to resolve the contradiction between the provision of energy resources by diverse sources and its consumption. The complexity of solving the problem consisted in the unpredictability of the use of various speed regimes that affect the AUV’s energy consumption. The proposed method for resolving the conflict is based on the decomposition of energy resource consumers and forecasting the possibility of accomplishing the task assigned to the AUV related to overcoming a given distance within a given time. For this purpose, we devel-oped a method based on the following algorithms of: forecasting the sufficiency of energy re-sources to overcome a given distance; determining the permissible current consumption of energy resources and the corresponding speed regime; estimating the time needed to overcome the re-maining distance. The listed algorithms are characterized by a set of parameters that have been optimized depending on the prevailing conditions during the execution of the task by the device. As a criterion of optimality, the probability of overcoming a given distance within a given time is used. When optimizing the parameters the following items have been taken into account: current battery level; current level of the electrochemical generator’s reserve; time during which the de-vice has already overcome part of the specified distance. According to these data, the following have been determined successively: remaining distance; time taken to overcome the remaining distance; reserve of energy resource expended on overcoming the remaining distance. When driv-ing in high-speed mode, we determined the following: remaining time of consumption from the battery; energy resource consumed during this time; battery energy reserve remaining after the high-speed mode. When the vehicle is moving in its normal mode, the following parameters are calculated: consumption of energy resources from the electrochemical generator taking into ac-count the simultaneous charge of the battery; battery charge time; time to overcome the remaining distance; speed at which you need to move to overcome the remaining distance; estimation of sufficiency of an energy resource on overcoming of the remained distance; specific power consump-tion corresponding to the required speed; moment of transition to the economy run mode. Based on the results of the proposed algorithm, the current allowable energy resource consumption is determined, which corresponds to: current source (battery or electrochemical generator); current speed mode (full-time or high-speed); predicted probability of overcoming a given distance. The proposed method is tested using a specially developed mathematical model for the functioning of the apparatus and its energy supply system with two heterogeneous energy sources. The software implementation of the mathematical model allows to carry out numerical experiments using the proposed method under various hydrological conditions, the results of which show the undeniable advantage of the proposed method, which significantly increases the probability of the apparatus performing the task assigned to it.


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