• A.P. Antonov Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
  • V.S. Zaborovskij Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
  • I.O. Kiselev Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
  • К.А. Antonov ITMO University
Keywords: Heterogeneous supercomputing systems, standard OpenCL, reconfigurable calculator, supercomputing system architecture, FPGA, evolutionary algorithms


The increase of the demands, that society specifies to the computing systems, does not corre-sponds to the increase in their performance. This is due to the approach of the VLSI integration to its physical limit, as well as with the use of general-purpose architectures to perform highly spe-cialized tasks. The first problem is fundamental and can not be figured out in short term perspective until mass-market quantum or optical computers appear. The second one could be solved today. High performance computing world tends to move from clusters, based on general purpose processors to heterogeneous structures, such as: GPUs and ASIC. However the most perspective approach is to use hardware-reconfigurable computers based on FPGAs. They have both the ad-vantages of ASIC, that is low power consumption and high efficiency on a specific task, and the flexibility of GPU, i.e. configuration could be changed by software. The current paper shows the advantages of using reconfigurable computers instead of traditional approaches. Also it describes a unique reconfigurable computing board based on an array of 4 Xilinx FPGA. The board-support package, which allows creating configuration using OpenCL language, has been made for this board. OpenCL is a cross platform standard for high-performance parallel computing. We are integrating the board to a reconfigurable supercomputer, and developing an intellectual profiler, that is going to suppose to determine which computational unit suits better for the current task.


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